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Sunday, 21 May 2017

Cow Politics

Now that Donald Trump, a orange-white, bleach-blonde Orangutan remake of Narendra Modi’s political policies, and theories is the Republican Presidential candidate most likely to take down the GOP, let us take a look at different political systems, real and imaginary, through the old-yet-relevant Two Cow Politics.
Humans have evolved from Monarchy (which means that the British are as yet to get down from the trees), through Theocracy, Feudalism, Anarchy, Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.  Truthfully, no country in the world can said to be a ‘pure-breed’ of any of the –isms mentioned, and are really a mix-and-match of systems.
Monarchy – You have two cows. The King takes the cream.
Feudalism – You have two cows. Your feudal Lord takes the cream and whips you.
Theocracy – You have two cows. You have to feed the cream to the fanatical Mullah or Priest.

Fascism – You have two cows. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a test reply only. Do not take this to be a real comment on your blog.
